Category "automation"

Is there a way to listen to mouse event in windows?

I want to write a script that runs a specific PowerShell command when one of my mouse's additional buttons is clicked. Example: Clicking the third mouse's butto

Juniper to Aruba Commands using Python

I have a set of commands, each from Juniper & Aruba switches, that I would like to automatically convert. Is there a way to use a string of Juniper commands

Powershell taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe /T without killing the developer version with the same .exe name?

I've got a macro looping with powershell and at the end of a run to clean up it kills and restarts the browser, Standard FireFox version firefox.exe Using: task

Randomising env for tests in Lambdatest

I'm wondering how can I set up my LambdaTest config so it runs each scenario in a different env. At the moment my setup is Windows - Chrome v88.0 and the config

find_element gives 'dict' object has no attribute 'click' error while testing Windows Desktop app using WinAppDriver

I am new to WinAppDriver and Python and I am trying to automate a windows Desktop application using WinAppDriver in Python. When I try to find an element using

How to select User certificates from edge browser using Playwright with Java

How to select User certificates from edge browser using Playwright with Java. We have different certificate added in browser for each role and we need to select

How can I tell subprocess to answer "y" to a commandline question?

I'm automating an ffmpeg command but when the file exists already, it asks me if I have to "Overwrite [y/N]" and it stalls the entire script until I have to ent

Cypress: How to visit a url of a different origin?

I'm new to cypress and have ran into an issue. I have my base URL set to the domain I want to test, the issue is when I want to test the ability to login on my

Playwright JS - How to globally define/change timeout if element/selector not found?

Basically I want playwright to wait for each element 5 seconds if element not found. There is a way to change timeout individually as given below: await page.wa

Is there a way to test markers on MapView using DETOX in a react-native app?

I have a react native app that includes MapView component where we are rendering the markers. Using detox, I want to test the visibility of those markers and al

Is there a way to use an XML file to run Selenium tests?

I have a selenium test with over 100 lines of findElement, click(), sendKeys().... Is there a way I can create an XML or text file of the different parameters a

Unable to open a link in new tab using Actions Class

I am trying to open a link in a new tab using selenium java automation code. Initially i tried with actions class but it wasn't working. Later i tried using the

How do I start doing Automation with Salesforce?

I'm currently writing some automation with Salesforce, Python and Selenium. My problem is that some of the Dynamic Elements are not reachable. However, I would

Pywinauto timings waiting 0.5 seconds instead of immediate

I have the following Pywinauto code and timings waiting is 0.5 seconds instead of immediate. How to get itimmediately? To click a button and go to the next mes

How to open open card and verify the content inside then open the second card and verify the content and so on

I need to open the first card and verify that everything inside matches the hashtag 'Fashion' and then do the same for the next 3 cards and then press the 'next

HOW TO USE JavascriptExecutor in Microsoft edge using java and selenium

We have automation project we need to click menu items we use this below code ((JavascriptExecutor) test.getDriver()).executeScript("mCLICK(arguments[0]);", sub

How to run multiple tests under same fixture with same browser session

I am trying to test multiple features in one test.js file with each feature implemented as a test. All these tests can be run only after login to the portal. Te

How can I use XPath contains() for a few values under 1 common class?

I need create a Xpath for an expression like - (trim(STRING_1)=upper(STRING_2)) but unfortunately this expression is located in some editor, the code is - <

Robot framework module vscode not loading: Error calling "robot.get_version()"

when adding the mentioned extension, the below error appears and I can't continue the automation: Error calling "robot.get_version()". If the module: <module

Selenium Webdriver + Java - Eclipse: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

I installed JDK from here: (This version for windows x64: Java SE Developmen