Category "autocomplete"

How do I create a textBox autoCompleteSource from dataset table?

In my Winform I have a TextBox. I set it to "AutoComplete", and I want to know what to write in my code (c#), to set it's "AutoCompleteSource" to some column's

Visual studio 2022 how to auto complete only on tab?

Right now, visual studio 2022 will auto complete on a whole bunch of characters that I use in normal coding, such as ( and space.If i for example intend to crea

Flutter: Autocomplete not showing suggestions when suggestion list changes

Framework & Architecture I have a specific architecture in my Flutter app. I am using BLoC pattern (flutter_bloc) to maintain state and fetch data from remo

Method parameter auto completion for a class instance

I am trying to get auto completion of method parameter names for class instances but can't quite figure it out. Take this example class: class Abc: def meth

React Auto Complete Element along with options to add value to the list if not present

i have to create an autocomplete react component. Initially there must be 5 autocomplete fields. I set a state as an array of 5 input elements like this.state

Python Autocompletion in VS Code

How can I add a colon automatically at the end of "def", "for" and "if" statements in Python for Visual Studio Code just like in Spyder?

Autocomplete not working correctly in Android Studio with Flutter - First suggestions are irrelevant

I installed Flutter and Android Studio. I ran flutter doctor - Flutter doctor I have the Dart plugin installed - v191.8593. When I press Ctrl + Space at a very

material-ui TextField disable Browser autoComplete

I use material ui v0.20.0 and I have to prohibit saving the password for a user with TextField. I added props to TextField autocomplete='nope' cause not all the

Input[type="date"] autocomplete [closed]

Autocompletion is not working for input[type="date"] with the autocomplete="bday" attribute. I saw that there is no handling of bday in Chromi

Javascript Autocomplete doesn't clear suggestion with no input

I watched a tutorial on how to use Javascript with Autocomplete using a JSON file and Fetch. Everything works fine; except for the following: If I clear the inp

Bash completion scripting - getting a "transparent proxy"-like behaviour

I am trying to write a simple Bash completion script for a program that runs its arguments as a command. A good example of this is kind of program is the prime-

Angular 2 and browser autofill

I'm implementing login page with Angular reactive forms. Button "login" is disabled if form is invalid. import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; impo

Visual Studio Code | How to get Javascript class methods and variables to auto appear while coding in an HTML file

BACKGROUND Just in case this helps you understand the problem. I came from coding in XCode with swift, back to Visual Studio Code to work on some web developmen

React-native White square when keyboard dismiss

I could use a little help here. I made a form to register a trip, it works, that's cool. But when I want to use the keyboard and then dismiss it, it leaves a w

Change the mat-autocomplete width?

It seems like the <mat-autocomplete> width is always the width of the input we're typing in. Is there no way to make it larger? I have a very small input

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'slice' of undefined---Typescript

how are you? I have one problem 'slice' of undefined in my project. I use autocomplete material M

2019, Chrome 76, approach to autocomplete off

There are are few posts out there about this. You spend hours going through each answer, testing, reading comments, to find that there is no solution. What have

How to avoid browser considering my inputs as credit card numbers? (they are not!)

In one of my webpages, Chrome is considering some number inputs as credit card numbers, and they are not, and I don't want users thinking I'm asking them such i

ant design onSelect is not firing

I'm trying to use Autocomplete from Ant Design, but the "onSelect" is not firing. Everything else is working well - when I type into the search bar, my ingredie

Autocomplete shows only message N results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate. instead show list

my problem is clear. I'm using jquery autocomplete and i don't know why it shows me only the message: 9 results are available, use up and down arrow keys to n