Category "assembly"

why is my assembly program (changing background color with keyboard) not working [duplicate]

I am writing a program in assembly that changes the background color from clicks on the keyboard but I can't seem to make it work, anyone know

What does it take for pacman to function correctly?

I'm experiencing 2 problems: the "you win" screen does not show up the pacman has a trail. IDEAL p286 MODEL small STACK 100h DATASEG pacman db " _ __ _

How to open a saved .asm file in MARS on MacOS

I am new to using MIPS and I can't find how to open a file that I saved. I saved a .asm file under my downloads folder but when I try to open a file in MARS and

"There is no need to deallocate the stack at the end of the function when the inner-stack frame isn't modified", but it is being modified in this case

Here is a simple function #include <stdio.h> int foo() { int a = 3; int b = 4; int c = 5; return a * b * c; } int main() { int a = f

How can I get the range of numbers that would produce certain flag conditions when subtracted from 43h in Z80 assembly?

I started learning Z80 recently, but I'm struggling with flags. I want to get the range of register "B" in Z80 assembly. This is the problem that I faced. Regis

What does this i386 os code mean? The code is for resetting the system

/* jump to reset vector. esp := 0 */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { PRINT("reset\n"); _eflags = 0; // interrupt disabled __asm__ __volatile__ ("\

Нow to define a constant managed record with an overridden assignment method

I'm writing a program for mathematical research. Assembly language is used for speed. Data is represented as managed records with operator overloads. Some data

LDUR and STUR in ARM v8

I've had a couple of courses that touched on ARMv8 assembly, but both teachers described LDUR/STUR instructions a different way and now I've become pretty lost.

adressing in MIPS the proper way

what does the following line mean. is it taking the 4 bytes (16 bits) of whatever bit pattern is at $a3 and storing it to $t0? lw $t0, 4($a3) # extract ch

Are there any instructions (other than those that use RIP-relative addressing) that are position dependent?

(This question refers specifically to x86/x86_64) I'm working on an application that needs to insert a small block of instructions at specific points within ano

Is a mov to a segmentation register slower than a mov to a general purpose register?

Specifically is: mov %eax, %ds Slower than mov %eax, %ebx Or are they the same speed. I've researched online, but have been unable to find a definitive an

Writing a putchar in Assembly for x86_64 with 64 bit Linux?

I am trying to use the write syscall in order to reproduce the putchar function behavior which prints a single character. My code is as follows, asm_putchar:

Understand EQU and >> operators on them in RISC-V assembly, with LUI and ADDI

my prof posted this as one of the answers to a homework problem. Can anyone break this down for me? I don't understand what he is doing with CON1 - CON4 and wha

Finding the minimum value on a list Assembly Language GAS

I'm trying to find the minimum value of a list using assembly language. I'm trying to use -1 to compare all the other values to. my current code is data_items:

Finding the minimum value on a list Assembly Language GAS

I'm trying to find the minimum value of a list using assembly language. I'm trying to use -1 to compare all the other values to. my current code is data_items:

Find out higher bit with assembly language

I am new to assembly language. Please help me how to find the higher bits after these instruction MOV AX,08H MOV BX, 07H ADD AX,BX I know a little bit shiftin

Program in assembly x86 [closed]

I recently made a program with C++ and ASM. Can anyone help me make this code a more efficient one , in the ASM part or both. I would really a

Optimize a loop for static predict-not-taken? Which prediction problems exist for that in a normal loop?

Which problems arise in the following assembly loop, if Predict Not Taken is chosen by default? Optimize the example to Predict not Taken. addi $s1, $zero, 1024

Array addressing in AT&T GAS assembly. Register offset from RIP doesn't work

I'm trying to work with arrays in GNU assembly. In my opinion the following code must exit with value 3. But it exits with 13. .section __DATA,__data inArr:

Can modern x86 hardware not store a single byte to memory?

Speaking of the memory model of C++ for concurrency, Stroustrup's C++ Programming Language, 4th ed., sect. 41.2.1, says: ... (like most modern hardware) the