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How can I resolve 401 unauthorized in angular?

I create .Net Core API and I configure the windows authentication. In my angular application I have to put in each request this option withCredentials : true. I

How to log retries from Polly with ILoggerFactory

Or: How to log from a static method. From you have examples like this one where a logger is magically available: Policy .Ti

How to add health checks to .Net core Background service

I am having a .net core 2.1 Background service application which is subscribed to a queue in Microsoft Azure Service bus. It has some logic and it calls to an a

EF Core 2.1 - No database provider has been configured for this DbContext

I have ASP.Net Core 2.1 with EF Core 2.1. This is how my DbContext class looks like app.DAL.EF -> Layer using app.domain; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCo

Request redirect to /Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f since the installation on server

I'm working with core 2.1, I launch the app on my local machine without any problem and I can debug it and open it on the browser but when I deploy it t

Swagger is not generating swagger.json

I have the core MVC project and separate WebApi project in one solution. I'm adding the swagger following the documentation on github. Here is my Startu

How do ASP.NET Core's "asp-fallback-*" CDN tag helpers work?

I understand what the asp-fallback-* tag helpers do. What I don't understand is how. For example: <link rel="stylesheet" href="//

dotnet add package bootstrap gives 404 error with source

I'm trying to add bootstrap to a new dotnet core razor app. C:\dev\core>dotnet --version 2.1.302 I created the project with the command below and have mad