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Claims Stored in Cookies Exceed Max Request Header Length

I have an ASP.NET Core 2.0 website using the vanilla implementation for authentication/authorization using Identity and cookies (not using OpenID Connect). I ha

LINQ query returns error "The expected type was 'System.Int32' but the actual value was null."

So this is the query: from c in Contents join cs in DepartmentSharings on c.ContentId equals cs.ContentId select c.PrivateCategoryId.Value When I run this I

What exactly is 'UseAuthentication()' for?

I have a question regarding authentication in ASP.NET Core 2: what exactly is the call app.UseAuthentication() for? Is it a basic prerequisite so that I can i

.NET Core 2.0 with MySQL: Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes

I'm a PHP/MySQL developer trying to move over to other technologies like .NET Core. I'm not sure if I like the idea of switching to SQL Server over MySQL (due t

Entity Framework Database First .Net Core

I have a .Net Standard 2.0 class library project and I want to add Entity Framework to it. I have added the Entity Framework Core package to the project but no

REST Client for .net core 2

Are there any REST(Http) Client libraries available for .net core 2 like RestSharp..? I have been using RestSharp but it doesn't support .net core 2 so looking

Pass parameter to Partial View in ASP.NET Core

On an ASP.NET Core 2.0 application I need to render a partial view and pass a few parameters: @Html.Partial("Form", new { File = "file.pdf" }) On the partial

AddIdentity() fails "InvalidOperationException: Scheme already exists: Identity.Application"

I'm trying to add facebook login to my .NET Core 2.1 site I'm following this , guide and more specific, this (for facebook login) After have adding the lines be

How do I update Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http 3.0 in .Netstandard 2.0

I need to upgrade a reference Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.dll 3.0 When I try to upgrade Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http 3.0 using Nuget and it is showing as installati

Link not rendering when using asp-page TagHelper

I have one page that does not render a link in HTML when using the asp-page TagHelper. I have seen this before, but it was due to a typo or the page not existi

Store Entity Framework Core SQLite file in project-relative subdirectory

I have an ASP.NET Core 2.0 app using Entity Framework Core and the SQLite Provider. I am trying to store the SQLite database file in a subdirectory (specificall

.Net Core 2.0 The view 'Index' was not found

I deployed .net core 2.0 application to IIS and I get the following error. InvalidOperationException: The view 'Index' was not found. The following location

Implement CQRS using EventStore with ElasticSearch

I am currently learning CQRS implementation using ElasticSearch and EventStore. So, I decided to use EventStore for saving the serious of event streams into Eve

The type ApplicationUser cannot be used as type parameter 'TUser' in the generic type or method 'IdentityDbContext<TUser>'

Trying to implement Identity in ASP.NET Core 2.0. Having many problems getting my head around this. Startup.cs public class Startup { public Startup(ICon

serilog format SourceContext for showing only assembly name

I configured my project to use Serilog for logging using dependecy injection. I use the following schema in the classes constructor: namespace FlickPopper.API

How to cancel .Net Core Web API request using Angular?

I have the following two applications Angular 6/7 App .Net Core Web API I am making GET request to API using Angular's HttpClient as shown below this.subscrip

No authentication handler is registered for the scheme 'Cookies'. The registered schemes are: Application, Bearer, ASOS

I am implementing (ASOS) with .net core 2.1 application. Now the issue is when I am trying to execute this chunk in controller,

Issue with API Versioning .NET Core 2.2 UnsupportedApiVersion

I am creating an API and need to have versioning done in it. I am using package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning 3.1.3 My StartUp.cs is as follows In Confi