Category "arduino-esp8266"

How I do an ESP8266 HTTPupdate via private Github repository?

I try to do an update firmeware via Git repo from an ESP8266. But I don't know how. The repo is private, that mean I need a password, I read that I can use HTTP

How do i send data from my esp8266 light sensor to blynk?

I am trying to know whether the lights have tripped using a light sensor to detect light intensity. However, i do not know how to upload my data onto blynk, as

Error on sending AT+CWJAP_DEF commands to ESP8266

I am trying to send AT commands to ESP8266 to get connected with internet with the Wifi. When I am sending AT and AT+RST command on serial monitor then I am ge

WiFi with ESP8266-arduino

I have a NodeMcu Lua ESP8266 ESP-12E which i want to use to control to a relais via Wifi network. The first step was to write an Arduino Sketch which scans net