Category "apache-spark-sql"

Modify date (month) in spark date column based on condition

I would like to modify my date column in spark df to subtract 1 month only if certain months appear. I.e. only if date is yyyy-07-31 or date is yyyy-04-30 chang

Remove special character from a column in dataframe

I am trying to remove a special character (å) from a column in a dataframe. My data looks like: ClientID,PatientID AR0001å,DH_HL704221157198295_9

Remove special character from a column in dataframe

I am trying to remove a special character (å) from a column in a dataframe. My data looks like: ClientID,PatientID AR0001å,DH_HL704221157198295_9

How to create Dataframe form presto db table of Array Data type column using spark

I am trying to create spark Dataframe from presto db table which has few columns as Array DataType. I tried multiple ways but I am getting same exception java.s

When to cache a DataFrame?

My question is - when should I do dataframe.cache() and when it's useful? Also, in my code should I cache the dataframes in the commented lines? Note: My datafr

Unable to start spark-shell failing to submit spark-submit

I am trying to submit spark-submit but its failing with as weird message. Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.spark.launcher.Main /opt/spark/b

dataframe Spark scala explode json array

Let's say I have a dataframe which looks like this: +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+

Pyspark throwing error while trying to read parquet

I am a newbie in pyspark, While trying to read parquet file through pyspark I get the below error. I have tried various things like reinstallation of jre and jd

Spark DataFrame is Untyped vs DataFrame has schema?

I am beginner to Spark, while reading about Dataframe, I have found below two statements for dataframe very often- 1) DataFrame is untyped 2) DataFrame has sch

Spark SQL - org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException

The error described below occurs when I run Spark job on Databricks the second time (the first less often). The sql query just performs create table as select

Why do I got TypeError: cannot pickle '_thread.RLock' object when using pyspark

I'm using spark to deal with my data, like that: dataframe_mysql ='jdbc').options( url='jdbc:mysql://xxxxxxx',

Compare two dataframes Pyspark

I'm trying to compare two data frames with have same number of columns i.e. 4 columns with id as key column in both data frames df1 ="/path/to/

Join two dataframes using the closest timestamp pyspark

So I am very new to pyspark but I am still unable to correctly create my own query. I try googling my problems but I just don't understand how most of this work

Spark : skip top rows with spark-excel

I have an excel file with damaged rows on the top (3 first rows) which needs to be skipped, I'm using spark-excel library to read the excel file, on their githu

Update DeltaTable properties on S3

I have a DeltaTable at aws S3 location (s3://bucket/myDeltaTable) which has a default table property delta.logRetentionDuration set to 30 days. Is there a way I

Spark dataframe transform multiple rows to column

I am a novice to spark, and I want to transform below source dataframe (load from JSON file): +--+-----+-----+ |A |count|major| +--+-----+-----+ | a| 1| m

How can I access python variable in Spark SQL?

I have python variable created under %python in my jupyter notebook file in Azure Databricks. How can I access the same variable to make comparisons under %sql.

SparkSQL error: collect_set() cannot have map type data

For SparkSQL on hive, when I used named_struct in the query, it returns results: SELECT id, collect_set(emp_info) as employee_info FROM ( SELECT,

How to split a list to multiple columns in Pyspark?

I have: key value a [1,2,3] b [2,3,4] I want: key value1 value2 value3 a 1 2 3 b 2 3 4 It seems that in scala I can wr

Save Spark dataframe as dynamic partitioned table in Hive

I have a sample application working to read from csv files into a dataframe. The dataframe can be stored to a Hive table in parquet format using the method df.