Category "anylogic"

Pedestrian arrival rate of 5 per h only 3 showing for 1 h during the simulation. Any reason why?

I'm trying to simulate a pedestrian flow in the entrance of an hospital. We are installing check-in platforms and I want to know how many platforms we should ge

Define agent with parameter (%) and delay time in main is based of it. (Anylogic)

I have a simple model which has a separate Agent called 'Passenger'. Inside the Passenger I have a parameters called 'WITH_CHILDREN' which it's default value is

Trasporters are jammed at a specific location in AnyLogic

I hope you are having a great day. Recently, I tried to build an AnyLogic model with free-space transporters, but I encountered an unexpected situation as shown

Importing and mapping AutoCAD line segments to Anylogic Paths

I have an excel file containing AutoCAD line data that I wish to map to AnyLogic Path constructs. To do this I am trying to edit the XML file and adding in path

calculating all the the values of a flow in anylogic

I am writing an economic project in anylogic. I want to sum all the money that flows between two stocks, in fact I need to sum all the values that a flow get du

seizeTransporter Block out port stop working

I am modelling earthmoving operation. Every trench agent seize two transporters, one excavator, and one truck. When truck is released it will do some other job

Create a new transporterFleet from an existing transporterFleet [closed]

I have a transporter type agent called Truck. Its population called truck. I added a TransporterFleet block to the model which is called truck

AnyLogic and Alpyne library: Any issue with the Resource block?

I am trying to develop a simulation model in which actions are performed by an intelligent agent, through Reinforcement Learning, namely using the Alpyne librar