Category "angularjs"

single-spa - how to load an Angular app without using SystemJS

I have an AngularJS version 1.4 application and I want to migrate to Angular 12+ . So I decided to use single-spa to integrate the new Angular App to the Legacy

Put text via script in Froala Editor

I'm using Froala 3 with AngularJS, but I have a problem adding content from outside the editor into it. I have a modal that displays several predefined messages

Bootstrap-ui Modal is coming up blank when set inside angular-gantt

I am having difficulties trying to get my modal to come up. I am not sure if it is because modal is not compatible with angular-gantt or if I have the code wron

Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries (filtered from NaN total entries) In jQuery Datatable

Hi all I am new to jQuery Datatable. I am working on server-side for datatable. Most of things I have figured out but I am stuck on pagination part, currently I

Why does using .match inside of an ng-if seem to cause digest cycles

Consider the following simple angularjs app (fiddle here: <div ng-controller="MyCtrl"> <div ng-if="showV

Angular reference not resolving

The following code is not resolving the ${} to the actual id number: this.messageService.add("HeroesComponent: Selected hero id=${}"); The follow

JavaScript .focus() function not working in a text field

I'm trying to use .focus() on the following form field without success. The tabindex of the div this element is in is 0. <input class="form-control ng-pristi

Uncaught Error: The injectable 'PlatformLocation' needs to be compiled using the JIT compiler, but '@angular/compiler' is not available

My Angular application is served via Node 16.14.2. After trying to upgrade my angularjs application to Angular 13, I'm receiving the following error: bundle.js

blocked by CORS :The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values '*, *', Laravel8

Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://localhost:8000/api/objectives' from origin 'http://localhost:4200' has been blocked by CORS policy: The 'Access-Control-Allo

How to access the value of a promise?

I'm looking at this example from Angular's docs for $q but I think this probably applies to promises in general. The example below is copied verbatim from their

How can I fix "npm ERR! code1"

I was trying to check some opensource projects to learn. I did npm install on terminal to dowload packages but i am getting this error and couldn't understand w

Downgrading multiple Angular modules to AngularJS

I've got an existing AngularJS application, which is component based and loads different addons/plugins lazily using ocLazyLoad. I'm trying to write a new addon

Save Custom Data in Thingsboard ; Which is not a Telemetry data

I am using thingsboard. Lets say i have a simple User Form having the following attributes: Username First Name Last Name Email Address Phone Number Now i want

Auxiliary outlet makes the whole page refresh in Angular

I'm using auxiliary outlet in my angular project. In my routing.module.ts I have: Routing.module.ts const routes: Routes = [ { path: '',

Update ng-if variable from ts file

In my angularjs app written with typescript, I am trying to add an asterisk to a certain field in the html using ng-if <td class="abc" >

Can I integrate angularjs(1.6) with deckgl?

I've tried to search if I can integrate deckgl with angularjs but so far haven't found any. Is it possible? If yes, what are the dependencies I need to add in a

Why don't my class styles apply to dynamically created elements? Angularjs

My question is simple; why don't my class styles apply to dynamically created elements? I am creating a search bar here where I generate an li per matching resu

Why local file is showing corrupted after downloading using javascript?

Good Afternoon, Scenario: I am having pdf's file on local system and when user click the button, I want it to get downloaded. But after getting download the fil

Bootstrap datetimepicker not working inside Bootstrap Modal

I am facing issue in showing bootstrap's datetimepicker inside modal. I want to make form inside the modal on which I need a datetimepicker to pick date and tim

Parsing JSON data and display it as a table

How do I to get the first timestamp value off of the first row using C# and Newtonsoft.Json? How do I display this data in a table with headers beaId, bfiId, ti