Category "angular8"

How to store data in angular [closed]

I am writing an application using angular. Once the server authentication is done I may have to store few details in the client side. e.g user

Upgrade Angular - Two or more projects are using identical root warning

For updating Angular 8 to 9, I am following the official document to upgrade. Which suggests first updating to the latest version of angular 8, like: ng update

Upgrade Angular - Two or more projects are using identical root warning

For updating Angular 8 to 9, I am following the official document to upgrade. Which suggests first updating to the latest version of angular 8, like: ng update

Show error message after reactive form submission

On an Angular 8 Reactive form I have the following: <form [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()"> <input id="name" type="text" formControlName="

How to select only year on mat-datepicker

I'm developing an application with angular 8 in which I have an input that contains only year number. I have used mat-datepicker and want only to choose year. &

Can we control ViewEncapsulation.None from affecting the other components in the angular application?

@Component({ ... ... ... encapsulations: ViewEncapsulation.None }) when i use encapsulation like that it conflicts the default style in the other components i

Conditionally applying css to mat form field

I am working on an angular application and I am using mat form fields in it. For changing color of botttom border of mat form field I am using mat-form-field-ri

ngx-useful-swiper setup in Angular 8 gives error

I followed this guide to set up swiper slider in my Angular 8 application. I get the below error when importing NgxUsefulSwiperModule into app.module.ts ERROR i

Screenshare in Agora Angular 8

I am trying to integrate Agora in Angular 8 application. Successfully, I am able to join and leave video call, now I am trying to integrate screen share which I

Angular 8 & Angular Material: Drag Scrolling with CdkDropList item

I'm trying to provide scrolling while dragging a cdkDropList item. As of right now the page can't scroll without using the mousewheel to scroll. I was hoping to

Current request is not a multipart request-When i send form data and an object in angular to spring boot

I'm sending a custom Object and formData to Spring boot from angular but an error is thrown -"Current request is not a multipart request". when i do this every

Angular8 SSR, First Time Input Latency Slow

I try to build an Angular App with the best performance possible. This App is very simple: One Header (with two links), one Footer, the homepage and the about