Category "angular-routing"

Angular how to disable authGuard on particular child page

can anyone suggest best way to disable authguard (applied on parent level) on a single child page. ROUTES:Routes = [ { path: '', component:

How can I prevent navigation when a button is clicked within a table row that has a routerLink?

I have an angular material table that has the following structure. <table mat-table [dataSource]="myTable" matSort> <ng-container matColumnDef="colu

How to get query parameters from URL in Angular 5?

I'm using angular 5.0.3, I would like to start my application with a bunch of query parameters like /app?param1=hallo&param2=123. Every tip given in How to

Angular 2 change sidenav content depending on the current router state

I am developing single page application in Angular 2. I am using angular material mat-sidenav and mat-toolbar. Toolbar has sidenav toggle button, buttons to ope

How to set default query params for Route in Angular 7?

In our Angular-7-Application, we use @ngrx and @ngrx/router-store to get the query params into the state. A few components of the application are paginated lis

What is the use of onSameUrlNavigation property in Angular( versions greater than 5)

Recently I have heard about a property called onSameUrlNavigation where you can set it to "reload". I have googled about it but there are not many articles whi

RouterModule.forRoot called twice

I am trying to implement Lazy Loading into my application but seem to be coming across an issue whereby I get the error message : Error: RouterModule.forRoo