Category "angular-material"

Rendering Overlay Containers when theming Angular Material?

According to this tutorial we should be able to add the class needed to render the overlay container that backs Angular Material Select, Snackbar, etc. like thi

Bootstrap modal dialog is disabled in a project where Material modules are added

I am transferring my Bootstrap based Angular 11 project to Material based. Menu, Sidenav and new Material based components are working well. However my old Boot

.cdk-drag-preview not applying styles

I am using the cdk Drag and Drop from angular material, but the drag preview is not working as intended.. I want the preview to look exactly like the element be

mat-paginator breaks when mat-table is inside of NgIf

I have an angular project that is using mat-table and mat-paginator for a certain view, the problem is the view has a grid view and table view with a toggle, th

Is there any way to modify the MatDialog overlay order?

I want to implement basic dialog handling in my application, with 2 functions: To close all open dialogs: Easy with MatDialog.closeAll(); Enable the user to swi

display div on top of ngx-mapboxgl map

I'm trying to use ngx-mapbox-gl in an angular 7 app for the first time and am experiencing something strange with the map. I want to display some text and a but

textarea with angular material not size properly on launching page

I'm facing a weird issue that I cannot understand. When one of my page is displaying I have my textarea cut as we can see in this image But when I resize just

Hiding a mat data table column in angular 4

<ng-container matColumnDef="jan"> <mat-header-cell [hidden]="true" *matHeaderCellDef style="font-size: 65%" class="white-text" fxHide []=

How to make two responsive columns inside the mat-card-content using fxLayout?

Here is my HTML code snippet: <mat-card-content> <div fxLayout="row" fxFlex="1 0 0"> <div fxLayout="column">First</div>

Get value from radio button Angular Material Dialog

I have Angular Material dialog , where I updating table clicking change status. I need to get value from radio button in my dialog Here is full working exampl

How to handle form error validations in Angular

I am new to Angular and in my form I have three fields Name, email and radio section. My requirement is: when I select name radio button Name input field is req

Cannot read property 'setProperty' of undefined fxFlex issue with ng-container Angular 9 Flex Layout

<div [fxLayout]="fields.layoutConfig.layoutDirection + ' wrap'" fxLayout.xs="column" [fxLayoutGap]="fields.layoutConfig.fxLayoutGap"> <ng-cont

how delete focus border on click date

I need to put a date in my apllication so I do this: <!--data --> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-6 col-xl-6 f

Bootstrap modal opens on background (Angular)

I have modal that I open from the table, that in the material tab Here is Modal HTML <div bsModal #createOrEditModal="bs-modal" class="moda

Error when trying to use @angular/material in Stackblitz

On stackblitz, when trying to add import to Angular Material , like this: import { MatCheckboxModule } from '@angular/material'; This is the error: File '/turbo

Where is my angular project picking up the A favicon.ico from? It's not in my project

Just recently, code that has worked correctly since 2018 has started falsely showing the old default "A" favicon.ico from Angular. I have combed my code and can

How to select only year on mat-datepicker

I'm developing an application with angular 8 in which I have an input that contains only year number. I have used mat-datepicker and want only to choose year. &

How to add pagination in angular material table that bind to API response

I'm new to angular. In my project shown list of products and its work correctly. My HTML code is below : <table mat-table [dataSource]="list_product" style="

Angular Material: How close overlay's backdrop also on right click?

How close the overlay's backdrop (opened by MatMenu or MatDialog) also on right click globally (without matMenu/matDialog reference)?

Angular drag and drop: Items should not remove from container after drag and dropped

I am using Angular drag and drop CDK: I am able to drag and drop items from one container to another and vice versa. Now, I am trying to not to remove a droppe