Category "android"

How to invalidate apollo android cache?

Here is my apollo client code for caching val apolloSqlHelper = ApolloSqlHelper.create(context,"my_app") val sqlNormalizedCacheFactory = SqlNormalized

MVVM: ViewModel logic needs info from database, but how to wait for the data?

I am new to MVVM and am trying to figure out how to organize my app. I made a simplified login app to help figure things out. I separated the app into layers: A

Android animation to draw alphabet

I am stuck at the animation part which is kinda tough for me, I need to draw this green sign like this. I tried this Github guide achieve my requirement but wit

Abort crash "/system/lib64/"

Google Play Console is showing abort crashes, the stack trace is the following: backtrace: #00 pc 000000000004e40c /apex/

Android: How to make Google Map Polyline smoother?

I'm using the latest Google Maps Android SDK: implementation '' This is my method for adding a Polyline to the

how insert loading animation during a function in python kivy?

I'm a beginner and would like to insert an MDSpinner while executing a loop, or a mysql query, or some process that takes time. I made this example below to ill

Listen to HDMI input port

I am working with a tv-box. In this tvbox, it contains an HDMI input port. Is there any method to listen to the HDMI input singal (connect, disconnect...)? I fo

Android: How to make Google Map Polyline smoother?

I'm using the latest Google Maps Android SDK: implementation '' This is my method for adding a Polyline to the

Android studio strange behaviour : file gets locked unexpectedly

I am experiencing strange behavior with Android Studio for a few days. I am not able to write/open or do anything with some file(in which I am just working) une

Flutter Nested Navigation Back Button handling on Android

Background I have a Navigator widget on my InitialPage and I am pushing two routes ontop of it (NestedFirstRoute and NestedSecondRoute). When I press the physic

how to get android on click listener to work despite nullpointerexception

My project throws a nullpointerexception buy attempting invoke an onclicklistener on a null object. here is my code. protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInsta

How to convert. APK file to .AAB file?

How to convert. APK file to .AAB file? Even if it is irrelavant to your field, Please do share this to your friends who are expert in android app development. I

Is there any method in react native to generate android and ios folders again?

I messed up in my react-native android and ios folder while doing some changes in internal files, now project is not starting with lots of errors which is from

Ionic: Redirect Android app after keycloak login

I have an ionic 6 app (using capacitor 3) and i am using Keycloak as authentication provider. My current keycloak version is V 14.0.0. When i test the web vers

super.Composable function crashes at text input

App crashes when trying to type in TextField that is in superclass (video: Exception: E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Proce

When Onclick operates in fragment xml, app crashes

I'm new to the development scene and I'm just trying my hand at fragments. I have an onClick event defined in one of my fragment XML files, but when I click the

SharePrefs not working for Android Spinner - behaviour very erratic

I have a spinner inside of a dialog box, which you can use to select a currency for my app. When you select a currency, it connects to an api from a currency si

Jetpack Compose Slider in LazyColumn changing while scroll

I have a list that includes Slider the problem is when I scroll the slider detecting the tap event and change it, see attached gif The excepted behavior is whe

use requireActivity() or getActivity() in fragment

When to use the getActivity() in the fragment and when of requireActivity() Is it better to use a requireActivity() instead of a getActivity()? In fact, I want

Layout not moving up when keyboard is open in Jetpack Compose

I have a layout in Jetpack Compose where I have a couple of composables (text view and input) that I need to stay at the top of the screen, and then another com