Category "android-recyclerview"

I want to hide my appBarLayout and BottomNavigationView on scroll of fragment recycler?

I want to hide my appBarLayout and BottomNavigationView at the same time when I scroll up the recycler and show again when I scroll down the recycler. In my cas

Recycler chat Pagination add new message at top

I am working on a chat app where I need to show reverse pagination and show the user's previous chat when the user scrolls up. I am first loading data from SQL

How to configure XML file so RecyclerView doesn't overlap the rest of the content?

What my layout file currently does: My layout file after building an app looks like on the picture and before building What I want it to do: I want this info ic

Recycler View List Sort position saving notepad app

In my program I added code to move the list items around but for example if I move shopping list above Test 123 and fully close the app the positioning resets

Next focus on custom view inside RecyclerView

I have RecyclerView that represent forms. These RecyclerView are made of multiple type of View. Each of them has a base_layout and specific View depending on th

ViewModel updates on screen rotation

I've created a simple project to study Kotlin and Android architecture The screen consists of RecyclerView and three EditT

ViewPager2 crash

I am using Advance Navigation Component with BottomNavigationView. In one tab I have ViewPager2. When I clicked on the tab for the first time, it worked fine. A

How to implement a custom view in a RecyclerView using a BindingAdapter

Can anyone help me to use a custom view (AAChartCore-Kotlin, ChartView) in a RecyclerView (displaying some speedcubing sessions' data) using a binding adapter?

How to delete audio file record and remove checked recyclerview item after user clicks 'Yes' on alert dialog

I have an alert dialog that pops up when the user clicks the delete button. Alert dialog When the user clicks yes, I want the recyclerview item they selected to

Icons not showing in Image View

I am trying to show the items into Recycler View in Grid Layout Manager. My list item xml file is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLay

how to set condition in adapter?

I use this to visible some textview public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull ViewHolder holder, int position) { Post p = posts.get(position); hold

RecyclerView's onClick won't work clicking items, only when you click BETWEEN items

I'm learning Android and I'm testing things with RecyclerView. I wanted to add an OnItemClickListener, I wanted to see if works so I made a Toast appear each ti

How to update list in RecyclerView with DiffUtils?

How do you use DiffCallback to load a newList in RecyclerView when DiffUtil ItemCallback is being used. I would like to give the user the option to return diff

Broken CheckBoxes in RecyclerView

I am currently learning Android studio Java coding, and I got trouble. I created Recyclerview using cardView and added checkbox to cardView. If I create new obj

how implement search view from menu in fragments?

I am trying to implement search in my fragment but its not working. no results shown up with search text. Also all the items are gone from the view when search

RecyclerView java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Inconsistency detected. Invalid view holder adapter position. Due to changing getItemCount()

I am getting a java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Inconsistency detected with the RecyclerView, but only when I seem to fling it. When I scroll slow enough it

Is there any way to remove item from PagedList and notify RecyclerView?

Is there any way to remove item from PagedList and notify RecyclerView without invalidating DataSource (not Room)? What I have tried: Store all model in own l

Change recyclerview rows after being created

I have a viewPager which contains two fragments. First for showing list of products and another one for showing list of selected products. In the second fragmen

Load More RecyclerView and Bottom ProgressBar

How to implement setOnScrollListener in RecyclerView Hi I am new in android , i have a query regarding lode more on infinite scroll , Please give me some ways

How to get position in Horizontal RecyclerView?

I'm a Kotlin's student. I'm doing a tutorial layout using RecyclerView horizontal, but I'm having an issue, already tried to find some answer on stack but didn'