Category "android-layout"

ImageView exceeds parent android studio xml

How do I make a child ImageView clip to the bounds of its parent? When I add an ImageView as a child to a parent view with rounded corners, the child ImageView

How to configure XML file so RecyclerView doesn't overlap the rest of the content?

What my layout file currently does: My layout file after building an app looks like on the picture and before building What I want it to do: I want this info ic

Jetpack Compose: How do you position UI elements within their parent with exact (x,y) coordinates?

According to the documentation on custom layouts: "Each UI element has one parent and potentially many children. Each element is also located within its parent,

moving from fragment to bottomNavitem, Onclick of that bottomNavitem, it opens that fragment again i need to open start fragment again,without delay?

i tried to open bottomNavitem from fragment with this code on ,it opens bottomnavitem ,on comming back same bottomnavitem it open same fragement while i need to

Evenly distribute elements on screen

I want to evenly distribute the elements "checkbox, desayuno,elegir hora" to the full width of the screen.After the "elegir hora" button there is a small Textvi

How to prevent bottom sheet from animating corner shape to square?

I've designed my bottom sheet like this <style name="ShapeAppearanceOverlay.BottomSheet" parent=""> <item name="cornerSize">30dp</item>

Flutter - show android homescreen widget in the app

Is it possible somehow to display Android homescreen widget as a Flutter widget? I've read about PlatformView widget that can embed any Android view inside Fl

How to fix this compilation problem on Android?

For the past few days, I have had a problem with my Android app. First it shows me this error: F:\DataHosting\ApplicationV2\app\src\main\java\fr\ph1823\datahost

Navigation drawer item highlight color exceeds over the radius of the corners

Navigation drawer item highlight color exceeds over the radius of the corners when I select (long press/ hold down) the item. <...NavigationView in activity

android app flip layout when I change language [duplicate]

I created an app on android studio using java. I have a problem that when I change the language From English to Arabic the app flips 180 degre

How can i add a Toolbar in Jetpack Compose?

I need to add a Toolbar in my Android application with a List like below. I am using Jetpack Compose to create the UI. Below is the composable function i am usi

White background shows during 1 sec when keyboard closes on Android

When I tap to close the virtual keyboard, white background is shown on that place for 1 second. I use Activity(WindowSoftInputMode = SoftInput.AdjustResize) to

Data binding: Missing required view with ID

I create an app using binding and I get an error that I couldn't solve. The error is java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.exam

Data binding: Missing required view with ID

I create an app using binding and I get an error that I couldn't solve. The error is java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.exam

keep the margin when the referenced view is gone in ConstraintLayout

I have 2 TextViews as in the xml below. If I hide the textView2 at runtime, I lose the bottom margin. How can I keep the bottom margin between textView and pare

How to add smooth movement, relative positioning and animations to chat heads like views

I am using "Draw over other aps" to show a chat head like view. I need to position it relatively and show animation while dismissing it. Please see first video/

Software keyboard overlaps content of jetpack compose view

Suppose I have some activity with a jetpack-compose content class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

How to control views wrapping in Android's GridLayout?

I'm wondering why in portrait mode, this android xml is not rendered properly: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <GridLayout xmlns:android="http:

How to control views wrapping in Android's GridLayout?

I'm wondering why in portrait mode, this android xml is not rendered properly: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <GridLayout xmlns:android="http:

Android: How to set status bar and navigation bar semi transparent

In some applications I noticed that the status bar and navigational bar are transparent however, not completely. I do not know if this is a background color or