Category "android-jetpack-compose-text"

Exposed drop-down menu for jetpack compose

I was wondering if there is a solution for Exposed drop-down menu for jetpack compose? I couldn't find a proper solution for this component inside jetpack compo

How to clear textfield value in Jetpack Compose?

I've developed a textInput composable with a trailing icon, and I'd like to clear the textInput when the icon is clicked. How can I access the textInput value,

Jetpack compose display html in text

I have a string that contains html, how can I display this in a Jetpack compose Text? In a TextView I would use a Spanned and do something like: TextView.setTex

What is the simplest way to set the focus order in Jetpack Compose?

I have a column of TextFields, something like: Column { TextField( value = ..., onValueChange = { ... }, keyboardOptions = KeyboardO

How to know if Text is visible on Jetpack Compose?

I have a scrollable screen and I would like to do action when a specific text appears/disappears in that screen. Is there any way to do that? Thanks

How to change text field cursor position in jetpack compose

I have list of text suggestions chip view above textfield, when user clicking chip I am appending the text into textfield. after that I want to move the cursor