Category "android-espresso"

No activities found. Did you forget to launch the activity by calling getActivity() or startActivitySync or similar

When start my android app first start FirstActivity. When I click button on FirstActivity than start AddTraderActivity. If I press button "START REQUEST" in Add

Is there a Simple Way to Take Screenshot in Espresso Android Studio for Every Test Case

Guys, I'm a beginner in Espresso and requesting for your valuable help, Can anyone share me the code with which I can take the screenshot for every tests which

GraalVM Java on truffle - NullPointerException from NFIContext.getBackend when executing Java code

I'm trying to run Java code dynamically inside a Java application using Truffle from GraalVM, without success. Settings I'm working on MacOs 11.5.2. I've follow

Generated Android espresso test fails to run, AndroidJUnitRunner failed to resolve: Landroidx/test/platform/io/FileTestStorage;

After recording a simple espresso test on my app the test fails to run and I'm hoping someone can guide me as to why this is happening. The resulting error is:

Android testing: Waited for the root of the view hierarchy to have window focus

In Android Ui testing, I want to click on a spinner item in a dialog, but it pop up with this error: va.lang.RuntimeException: Waited for the root of the view No activities in stage RESUMED

I'm trying to write test cases for my activities. I have several activities and there is no issue for one of them while I'm getting following error when I try t

Run espresso test multiple times

Sometimes I faced with rare bug in my application. But I can't reproduce it as it's very rare. So, I decided to write simple espresso test: @RunWith(AndroidJUn