Category "android-alertdialog"

How to prevent AlertDialog box getting dismissed when clicked outside the dialog box?

I have an AlertDialog box that I am using to get input from the user. But when the user clicks outside the dialog, it is getting dismissed irrespective of wheth

Android Kotlin findViewById must not be null

We have created a custom alert dialog that was used in a Java project by converting it to Kotlin The error posted below java.lang.IllegalStateException: findVi

How to delete audio file record and remove checked recyclerview item after user clicks 'Yes' on alert dialog

I have an alert dialog that pops up when the user clicks the delete button. Alert dialog When the user clicks yes, I want the recyclerview item they selected to

How to increase the width of getx default dialog in flutter

I am new to flutter and I am using Getx package for state management and route management. I have tried many ways to give get default dialog full-screen width b

ScrollView too long therefore produce white borders

I'm still working on my android application and I still struggle with XML ans scroll views. I want to display an AlertDialog which contains: A JPEG image a the

How can I stop OnClickListener in the middle of execution?

I need to exit out of an OnClickListner event in the middle of its execution but, can't find a command to do so. Tried using break but that can only be used on

Maintaining a full screen when an AlertDialog is displayed

Based on the following code snippet, I was wondering how to hide the soft keys (status and navigation bars) and maintain immersive mode throughout the whole app

In Android Navigation Architecture, how can I check if current Fragment is the last one?

I need to display custom AlertDialog, but only when there are no more fragments after calling NavController.navigateUp(). My current code does something similar

Remove Title from DatePickerDialog

For some reason, I have two titles in my DatePickerDialog. How can I get rid of the white title at the top? This is the code I use to create the Dialog: dat

How can I change default dialog button text color in android 5

I have many alert dialogs in my app. It is a default layout but I am adding positive and negative buttons to the dialog. So the buttons get the default text col

Android Dialog with CountDown TImer

In my app, I show the push notification as a Dialog that has two buttons named Yes and No. I need to show a timer (20 seconds) running in the dialog's title.