Category "amazon-eks"

I am trying to deploy a pod in eks cluster but it is showing too many pods, but i have only one pod in that

enter image description here[I am trying to deploy one pod in node but it is in pending state when i describe pod I got too many pods, but i have only one pod i

User cannot get resource "services" in API group - Jenkins pipeline EKS deployment

I'm trying to deploy my docker image into the cluster using Jenkins. my Jenkins application is running in an EC2 ubuntu server. Initially, when I tried I was ge

How to fix kubernetes_config_map resource error on a newly provisioned EKS cluster via terraform?

I'm using Terraform to provision an EKS cluster (mostly following the example here). At the end of the tutorial, there's a method of outputting the configmap th

JupyterHub user pod can't assume EKS node role

I installed JupyterHub with Helm on an EKS cluster, although the EKS service role can be correctly assumed by the hub pod (whose name starts with "hub-"), the u

Kubernetes Prometheus CrashLoopBackOff / OOMKilled Puzzle

Periodically I see the container Status: terminated - OOMKilled (exit code: 137) But it's scheduled to the node with plenty of memory $ k get statefulset -n met

EKS Anywhere Cluster cert-manager io-timeout

First time trying EKS Anywhere docker provider deployment as given in below link It g

Security group inbound rules wiped out and added by eksclusterrole automatically

I have deployed AWS EKS 2 node cluster(Version 1.18). It contains some ELBs, microservices and a UI hosted on Kubernetes. ELB's have their own security group. I

AWS EKS custom AMI managed Node Group Bootstrap file not exists

Below are steps i preformed to use custom AMI EKS managed node group. bootstrap_user_data file has been created and its converted to base64 format as per the st

How to install AWS Load Balancer Controller in a CDK project

I am trying to write a high-level CDK construct that can be used to deploy Django applications with EKS. I have most of the k8s manifests defined for the applic

How to configure nginx ingress to use single ingress load balancer for multiple hosts and multiple namespaces

I'm planning to deploy more than 30 apps in 5 namespaces. I will be using existing AWS EKS 1.21 Cluster. All the apps will be requiring external access because

Multiple services with ALB ingress

I have created EKS cluster with Fargate. I deployed two microservices. Everything is working properly with ingress and two separate application load balancers.

Creation Amazon EKS cluster using eksctl could not find any of authenticator

I try to create new Kubernetes cluster on Amazon EKS using eksctl script. I created IAM user with this permissions : when i try to create it I have this error

Authorization errors when starting a Loki pod

This morning I discovered that Loki stopped working in the EKS cluster In the loki pod logs I see the following: level=error ts=2022-04-07T10:44:43.298418416Z c

Namespace “stuck” as Terminating

I am getting issue while terminating the namesapce in the cluster, It's showing many parameters inside the namespace JSON. I followed this link https://medium.c

kubectl versions Error: exec plugin is configured to use API version

I was setting up my new Mac for my eks environment. After the installation of kubectl, aws-iam-authenticator and the kubeconfig file placement in default locati

kubectl versions Error: exec plugin is configured to use API version

I was setting up my new Mac for my eks environment. After the installation of kubectl, aws-iam-authenticator and the kubeconfig file placement in default locati

Kubernetes Operator in Airflow is not sharing the load across nodes. Why?

I have airflow 1.10.5 on a Kubernetes cluster. The DAGs are written with Kubernetes operator so that they can spin pods for each task inside the DAG on executio

Kafka infinite loop of error "SyncGroup failed: The group began another rebalance. Need to re-join the group. Sent generation was Generation"

I'm having Kafka Consumer group of applications (10 instances) written in Java which uses Spring Cloud Stream. Consumer application is deployed in AWS Kubernete

Tagging autoscaling groups created by EKS

I created an AWS EKS Cluster with the terraform-aws-eks module. Terraform version is 1.0.6, aws provider version is 3.60.0. With these versions i should be able

How to implement Auto scale on Memory based metric in EKS cluster

I have a EKS cluster with min 3 and max 6 nodes, Created auto scaling group for this setup, How can i implement auto scale of nodes when spike up/down on Memory