Category "amazon-aurora"

Why can I not connect to an RDS Aurora DB via proxy?

I setup a Postgresql Aurora DB and a Proxy via Terraform (code below), which is apparently running fine. But for some reason I can not connect to the DB through

How can i overcome AWS Aurora Data api timeout in 45seconds

AWS Aurora Data api(I'm using has a fatal drawback of a 45-second timeout, is there a way to overcome it? The sea

How to fix Amazon RDS database that is in an incompatible-network state

I am having some issue with our AWS Aurora MySQL RDS DB. DB instance status is in incompatible-network state. This DB is not being used actively and hence might

Amazon RDS cross region bi-directional data replication

I have a Amazon RDS MySQL database in the us-east-1 region. I have a few read replicas in that region for the master db as well. I'm working on a new app which

Failing to connect to an Amazon Aurora MySQL from SpringBoot

I want to connect my spring boot application to AWS Aurora MySQL RDS. The problem is while there are plenty of examples of AWS MySQL RDS. I cant find an example

SSL connection error when trying to connect to mysql Aurora via the mysql CLI

I will preface by saying I can connect to the DB instance when I'm not trying to go over SSL. I am following this guide here

AWS Aurora MySQL serverless: how to connect from MySQL Workbench

I was trying to use AWS Aurora Serverless for MySQL in my project, but I am impossible to connect to it, though I have the endpoint, username, password. What I

Occasional 'temporary failure in name resolution' while connecting to AWS Aurora cluster

I am running an Amazon Web Services RDS Aurora 5.6 database cluster. There are a couple of lambda's talking to these database instances, all written in python.

AWS RDS Postgres: WAL_LEVEL not set to 'logical' after changing rds.logical_replication = 1

I am in the process of setting up Debezium to work with AWS Aurora Postgres (postgres version 12.6). For Debezium to work, the WAL (Write-ahead-logging) must be