Category "amazon-ami"

how do i create an windows hardened image in EC2 image builder using ansible playbooks?

i've been trying to use ec2 image builder to harden a windows image using winrm and ansible playbooks that contain the scripts to my hardening. Since windows do

Unable to get password for the instance created from AMI

The following code successfully creates an instance. try { $ec2 = new Ec2Client($options); $result = $ec2->runInstances([ 'Imag

Creating AMI takes so long

I'm creating an AMI for a server with 100G files. It's been like an hour and it's still not finished. (The AMI still says pending) Is there something wrong with

Can we use custom AMI for the creation of ECS cluster?

I have created a custom AMI that has certain softwares and scripts preloaded in it. Can I use this AMI for the ECS Cluster? I do not see any option to add AM