Category "alpine.js"

Livewire and Flatpickr - fails after rerender

This may be a basic question, but I'm struggling. Essentially I have a livewire component that updates an array of flight information that a user enters. Whenev

how to change the image src in Alpine js like jquery?

there is a div with tag that by click on small image I change the src attribute and show it's the original size, but I don't know how to do in Alpine js? <

Alpine doesn't work for me on IOS (Safari and chrome)

I have a project with the TALL stack without any extra dependencies, it runs perfectly on Android and Windows, on chrome and edge. But in IOS, Safari or chrome

Tailwind and Alpine.js flicker

How do I fix flickering on tailwind and alpine.js? Already added x-cloak as per alpine.js . But still not fixed. If the "default" state of an x-show on page lo

x-bind with forwarded wire:model in a template element

Consider the following, in a blade template: <template x-for="(product, index) in getProducts()" :key="index"> <li class="flex items-center px-1 py