Category "algolia"

NextJS React Prerendering issue with Algolia connectSearchBox

I'm working with Algolia instant search for react, and I'm using a custom SearchBox component which I've written like so: import { connectSearchBox } from "reac

E/flutter (24259): Unhandled Exception: Bad state: Cannot set the body fields of a Request with content-type "application/json"

var filterQuerry =algolia.instance.index(indexName.value.toString()).facetQuery("cast"); I am trying to use facetQuerry method of Algolia packega but I am faci

How to change results as far as I move map in react-instantsearch-dom-maps

I am currently working with algolia and I have some strange issue with the map. I have this interface (left column is results, right column is map) like on this

Algolia - AutoComplete with Suggestion + Search Results Page - NextJS

Am implementing the Algolia search in my NextJS app. I have the datasource and indices already setup. What am trying to setup is something like what Gucci is do