Category "airflow-2.x"

DAG run as per timezone

I want to run my dag as per new york time zone. As the data comes as per the new york time zone and dag fails for the initial runs and skips last runs data as w

Airflow pool - less priority task is triggering first

I've been using the airflow pool to control my concurrent tasks. so I've created a test_pool with 10 slots and have created 4 tasks, out of which I have assigne

Airflow Scheduler liveness probe crashing (version 2.0)

I have just upgraded my Airflow from 1.10.13 to 2.0. I am running it in Kubernetes (AKS Azure) with Kubernetes Executor. Unfortunately, I see my Scheduler getti

Creating dynamic workflows for Airflow tasks present in a Python list

I have a list of lists in the following way - [['X_API', 'Y_API',....], ['Z_API', 'P_API', ...], [....], [...] .... ] Here, each API name corresponds to a Pytho

Airflow:Docker-Compose:"You are running pip as root Please use user to run pip"

Requirement: To run local Airflow using official docker-compose with Airflow version 2.3.0 Issue: "You are running pip as root Please use user to run pip" Airfl

airflow kubernetes default setup ERROR: relation "log" does not exist at character 13

I deployed the default helm chart for airflow 2. The postgres pod is reporting an error: ERROR: relation "log" does not exist at character 13 This appears af

How to load environment variable from azure key-vault in docker compose

Here I want to load the sql connection string from azure keyvault. version: '3' x-airflow-common: &airflow-common image: ${AIRFLOW_IMAGE_NAM