Category "adapter"

Moshi: Parse single object or list of objects (kotlin)

Problem How to parse either a single Warning object or a list of Warning objects (List<Warning>) from an API using Moshi? The response as a single warning

Get ipconfig result with python in windows

I am new here and just learning python. I need help to get the right mac-address of my network card in windows using python. I tried to search, and found these

Android display item inside dropdown list

I have a TextInputLayout with style ExposedDropdownMenu. this TextInputLayout contains an AutoCompleteTextView. I can add a list item inside this AutoCompleteTe

SetChecked() does not work

Hey guys on my Adapter ViewHolder.bind I have to check if some value is true, then check my checkbox. The problem is I cant use setCheck(tru) cause in kotlin do

java.lang.IllegalStateException:Make sure the content of your adapter is not modified from a background thread, but only from the UI thread

java.lang.IllegalStateException: The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification. Make sure the content of your adapter is

What is the exact difference between Adapter and Proxy patterns?

As I understood both Adapter and Proxy patterns make two distinct/different classes/objects compatible with each for communication. And both of them are Structu