Category "account"

Rearrange (sort by priority) Woocommerce my account fields

How can I rearrange my-account fields .I want to locate billing_address_1 field after billing_state and billing_city fields. I used woocommerce_form_field_args

Add custom text under order details on WooCommerce My account view order pages

I need to add some custom text under the Order Details section of the WooCommerce view-order page. My goal here is to add some additional instructions: To

How to get a list of system users in vlang?

I am trying to list all the system users, I know that on Linux I could use awk -F: '{ print $1 }' /etc/passwd and on Windows I could use wmic useraccount get na

login, signup page not found in wagtail

I correctly followed the django-allauth documentation, installed it in my django wagtail project and made configurations or applied settings according to the g

Debian 10 install what is default account and password?

The account is supposed to be debian but I see no password suggestion anywhere. I tried root/toor with no luck. Suggestions?