Category "2d"

live goelocalization of objects within a limited area with an existing data

I want to present and visualize multiple objects (with their height represented in cylinders, their directions, and other characteristics ) in a limited area o

How can I access the Unity 'Light 2D (Script)' component via Script?

In my Unity 2D game, I have a character with a lightsource component 'Light 2D(Script)' from the Lightweight RP package. I want to change the intensity of the

2D Player Shaking When Platforms Move Up and Down?

For some reason, my player character shakes up and down when the platform moves up and down, which prevents the player from jumping because the player is not gr

jblas 2-d matrix multiplication

I want to compute 2d matrix-matrix multiplication using the Jblas library. But I failed every time to compute. Please help me to do this by giving an example w

Converting 3D position to 2d screen position [r69!]

I need Three.js code to convert 3D object coordinates to 2d ones in a 'div' element so that I can place text labels where they need to be (without those labels

Mapping coordinates from plane given by normal vector to XY plane

So, I have this algorithm to calculate cross-section of 3D shape with plane given with normal vector. However, my current problem is, that the cross-section is