Category ".net-standard-2.0"

System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager vs Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration

I am working on a class library(.NET Standard 2.0) CL, which will be used by some of our legacy projects(.NET Framework 4.6.1) LP and many of our new implementa

Entity Framework Database First .Net Core

I have a .Net Standard 2.0 class library project and I want to add Entity Framework to it. I have added the Entity Framework Core package to the project but no

How do I update Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http 3.0 in .Netstandard 2.0

I need to upgrade a reference Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.dll 3.0 When I try to upgrade Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http 3.0 using Nuget and it is showing as installati

IResult (from Asp) not found in standard 2.0 project

I created a DLL project targeting .net standard 2.0. With NuGet I added a reference to Microfosft.AspNetCore.Http. (2.2.2) I created this class: using System; u

How to Replace DTE2 in .NET Standard

It's been a while since .NET Standard is introduced by Microsoft. Earlier, if I wanted to obtain information about Project, Solution and other related objects (

Are there benefits in producing a .NET 6.0 version of a .NET Standard 2.0 library?

If I have a .NET Standard 2.0 library project that is being consumed by a .NET 6.0 console project, are there any performance benefits if I also instruct the co