'Can two processes running simultaneously share a variable?

Newbie here, I recon this may be a very foolish question. I am simultaneously running on cuda, in two distinct processes, a simple 3-layer MLP neural network over two different datasets. Since these two processes are practically using the same script, they are both creating variables with the same names, so my question is: is each process completely isolated from the other, or is there any way that by running one process after the other I will be overwriting my variables, e.g. my variable x, pertaining to the dataset #1's feature vector I'm giving the model in the first process will be overwritten with the dataset #2's feature vector once I start process 2, therefore influencing my first process's model's predictions?

Solution 1:[1]

is each process completely isolated from the other, or is there any way that by running one process after the other I will be overwriting my variables, e.g. my variable x, pertaining to the dataset #1's feature vector I'm giving the model in the first process will be overwritten with the dataset #2's feature vector once I start process 2, therefore influencing my first process's model's predictions?

The processes are isolated from each other. One process will not overwrite variables in another process that happen to have the same "name".


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Robert Crovella