'c# two parameters in one parameter in a method

I would like to make one method like this:

public void SomeMethod(int myInt,<float or double or MyClass> myFloatorDoubleorMyClass)


And not only with generics, but also with any class. I would like to avoid this:

public void SomeMethod(int myInt, float myFloat)


public void SomeMethod(int myInt, double myFloat)


public void SomeMethod(int myInt, MyClass myClass)


Is this feasible?

Solution 1:[1]

You can use overloading like this:

public void SomeMethod(int myInt, double myDouble)
   // ...

public void SomeMethod(int myInt, float myFloat)
   SomeMethod(myInt, (double)myFloat);

Note that this is valid because a float can be put into a double without loosing precision.

Update: The question was updated, and specifically requests to avoid overloading. In this case my answer above is no longer relevant. I still believe (as others who commented on this post) that overloading in this case is prefered over the alternative (using generics).

BTW - In this specific case a float can be automatically converted to a double. But using overloading is a good solution also when you have types that do not convert automatically.

Solution 2:[2]

You can achive this with Generics

Could look like

public void SomeMethod<T>(int myInt, T myFloatorDouble)


But it could be cleaner with overloads like

public void SomeMethod(int myInt, float myFloat)


public void SomeMethod(int myInt, double myDouble)


Depends on the logic in your method. If you have to cast inside the method, I would recommend overloads for example.

Solution 3:[3]

public static void SomeMethod(int myInt, object value)
        if (value == null) { throw new Exception("exception"); }
            var typecode = Convert.GetTypeCode(value);
            if (typecode == TypeCode.Object && value.GetType().IsClass && value.GetType().Name == nameof(MyClass)) { var result = (MyClass)value; }
            else if (typecode == TypeCode.Double) { var result = Convert.ToDouble(value); }
            else if (typecode == TypeCode.Single) { var result = Convert.ToSingle(value); }
            else { throw new NotImplementedException("exception"); }


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 Mighty Badaboom
Solution 3 UÄŸur Demirel