'Adding two DateTime objects together

Is there any better way to add one DateTime object to another one, than this:

DateTime first = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
DateTime second = new DateTime(11, 2, 5, 10, 10, 11);

DateTime result = first.AddYears(second.Year);
DateTime result = first.AddMonths(second.Month);

and so on...

In this example I'd like to get DateTime(2011, 3, 6, 10, 10, 11)


After a intensive brainstorm it seems to there's no different way, but to facilitate it can be boxed inside additional class and operator+ just like in JonSkeet's answer

Solution 1:[1]

It doesn't make sense to add two DateTime values together. If you want to represent "11 years, 2 months, 5 days, 10 hours, 10 minutes and 11 seconds" then you should represent that. That's not the same as 0011-02-05T10:10:11. In particular, you'd never be able to add "2 months and 30 days" for example. Likewise you'd never be able to add just a single year, because you can't have 0 for month and day values within a date.

Now there's no BCL type to represent the idea of "11 years [...]" but you could create your own one reasonably easily. As an alternative, you could use my Noda Time project which has Period for precisely this purpose:

var localDateTime = new LocalDate(2000, 1, 10).AtMidnight();
var period = new PeriodBuilder {
    Years = 11, Months = 2, Days = 5,
    Hours = 10, Minutes = 10, Seconds = 11
var result = localDateTime + period;

Contrary to some other answers provided here, you cannot use TimeSpan for this purpose. TimeSpan doesn't have any concept of months and years, because they vary in length, whereas a TimeSpan represents a fixed number of ticks. (If your largest unit is days, then you're fine to use TimeSpan, but given your example, I assume you need months and years.)

If you don't want to use Noda Time, I'd recommend you fake up a Period-like class yourself. It's easy enough to do - for example:

// Untested and quickly hacked up. Lots more API you'd probably
// want, string conversions, properties etc.
public sealed class Period
    private readonly int years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds;

    public Period(int years, int months, int days,
                  int hours, int minutes, int seconds)
        this.years = years;
        this.months = months;
        this.days = days;
        this.hours = hours;
        this.minutes = minutes;
        this.seconds = seconds;

    public static DateTime operator+(DateTime lhs, Period rhs)
        // Note: order of operations is important here.
        // Consider January 1st + (1 month and 30 days)...
        // what do you want the result to be?
        return lhs.AddYears(rhs.years)


DateTime first = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
Period second = new Period(11, 2, 5, 10, 10, 11);
DateTime result = first + second;

You need to be aware of how DateTime.Add will handle impossible situations - for example adding a month to January 31st will give you February 28th/29th depending on whether or not it's a leap year.

The simple approach I've listed here, going through intermediate values, has its downsides, because that truncation can happen twice (adding years and then adding months) when it needn't - for example, "February 29th + 1 year + 1 month" might logically be "March 29th" but it will actually end up as "March 28th" as the truncation to February 28th will happen before the month is added.

Trying to work out a "right" way of doing calendrical arithmetic is fiendishly difficult, particularly as in some cases people may disagree about what the "right" answer is. In the above code I've opted for simplicity and predictability - depending on your real requirements, you may need something more complex.

Solution 2:[2]

DateTime first = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
DateTime second = new DateTime(11, 2, 5, 10, 10, 11);

DateTime result = new DateTime(first.Ticks + second.Ticks);

Solution 3:[3]

You have a DateTime which represents a point in time. And you want to add a number of years/months/days/hours/minutes/seconds to it.

A change in DataTime is not a point, it is a vector (a difference between points). It is really easy to mistake one for the other, as they often have similar structure. However, that kind of type error leads to lots of pain.

Avoiding it doesn't fix your pain, but it makes it manageable.

Adding two DateTime together is adding two points together. Sort of like adding the location of Los Angeles to New York.

Now, adding the "vector" of LA to NY to London makes sense -- because the travel vector is a vector, not a point. And point+vector is just a point.

So this means you need to create a time vector type. A simple time span is an option, but probably not appropriate: because you care about months, years and days, not nanoseconds or absolute time durations.

I'll dub the name of the vector a CalendarVector, as it represents movement on a Calendar, not in time itself.

An easy first pass is to create a tuple of each sub type of time -- years, months, days, etc -- then add them in some arbitrary order to your original DateTime with an overloaded operator+.

You should support:

DateTime = DateTime + CalendarVector
CalendarVector = CalendarVector + CalendarVector
CalendarVector = CalendarVector - CalendarVector
CalendarVector = int * CalendarVector
CalendarVector = - CalendarVector
DateTime = DateTime - CalendarVector
CalendarVector = DateTime - DateTime

ideally. The CalendarVector + DateTime overload is optional, but probably not needed.

However, this only gets you half way.

The big remaining problem is that CalendarVector addition does not commute. Adding 1 month to a DateTime, then adding 1 day, is different than adding 1 day then adding 1 month.

And this is fundamental.

There is the problem of "what does it mean to be 1 month after January 31st", which can be answered, but any reasonable answer to that question doesn't solve the commuting problem.

Your planned constructor -- where you feed it the number of years, months, days, hours, minutes seconds -- is thus ambiguous in what it means.

So a robust solution should not have that constructor.

A solution is to create Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds types that you explicitly add together. The order they are added together is the order they are applied to the DateTime you add it to. Commuting and "simplification" is avoided until the final application on a DateTime -- so +1 year, +2 days, -1 month, -1 year, -2 days, +1 month is not the zero transformation.

There is a related problem with DateTime-DateTime -- it should return a CalendarVector v such that lhs = rhs + v, but there are multiple such vectors. The same problem can occur with spherical coordinates -- do you mean the short way around the Earth, or the long way? It doesn't matter in some contexts -- but then you halve the result to find the mid-way point. Plus, you get discontinuities as you approach "far side of the world".

So my advice would be to maintain a list of transformations on a DateTime object. 1 year is a transformation that consists of adding 1 to the year field, and then repairing the other fields so they are consistent. These transformations support negation. Addition is applying them one at a time, from left to right. Negation may also reverse the order of application, and adjacent transformations "of the same kind" may combine (so +1 month -1 month becomes the identity transformation, instead of a clamping operation based off next months' end of month), or not (so x = x+1 month,then x = x-1 month on the next line is the same as x = x + 1 month - 1 month).

Yet another approach is to insist that the user provide a policy for what to do in these exceptional circumstances (which happen ... all the time), because this problem is thorny enough that a library that "solves" the problem can at best highlight the problems and force the client programmer to think about them and make decisions.

Solution 4:[4]

Simplest is:



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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 Renato Medeiros
Solution 3 Yakk - Adam Nevraumont
Solution 4 Wessel du Plooy